Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Baguettes and Waffles

    Baguettes and Waffles

    My time in Europe was quickly coming to a close, but not before one last adventure. This time, my wonderful mother was able to come along. After some last minute hectic packing (and gelato), I cleared my room, boarded a train with all of my belongings, and left Torino for one last time.

  • Rooftop Track

    Rooftop Track

    Located just south of Parco Valentino sat the old Lingotto building (built in the early 1900’s). Now a shopping mall and movie theater, the building once functioned as a Fiat automobile factory. This particular factory was unique in that the roof of the building also functioned as a test track.

  • Barthelona and Bulls

    Barthelona and Bulls

    I was nearly certain that I had failed at least one of my first round final exams. Miraculously, I had managed to receive sufficient passing marks in all three of my courses meaning I was officially finished with my semester. This prompted a very last minute solo trip to Spain. 

  • Finest of Building Materials

    Finest of Building Materials

    The first round of finals had finally ended, but there was still some time before I knew if I had passed them all (and if I would need to attempt round two of exams). Some friends (Thies, Sema, and Soheil) and I decided to escape the sweltering heat of the city and took a trip through…

  • Stupinigi


    One of the few activities I managed in the midst of final exams was a quick trip to the Palazzina di Stupinigi (located about an hour’s bus ride south from the city center). The Palace itself was once the hunting lodge for the royal Savoy family.

  • More Fancy Cars

    More Fancy Cars

    In addition to all of the other events that occurred throughout the month of June that were mentioned in my previous post, an open-air auto show was constructed in Parco Valentino (which is just a few meters from where I live). The first annual Parco Valentino Salone & Gran Premio featured several production cars, motorsport competition vehicles,…

  • Around Town

    Around Town

    June was a busy month for Torino. Not only did lectures at university end and exams begin, but it seemed as though something new was going on every weekend around the city.

  • The Sinking City

    The Sinking City

    My younger brother, Cole, just graduated high school this past May. To celebrate, he was able to come and visit me here in Italy for about a week. Unfortunately, I still had classes during the week (and I really couldn’t afford to skip any more than I already had) so the weekdays were somewhat anticlimactic…

  • Fast cars and Super yachts

    Fast cars and Super yachts

    I don’t normally follow Formula 1 at all. I know what it is and I know that it’s incredibly prestigious for racing, but I don’t know much besides that. That being said, once I found out that I would be in Italy at the same time as the Formula 1 Monaco Grand Prix, I couldn’t really…

  • Inconceivable!


    If you’ve seen the movie The Princess Bride, the title may clue you in to what this post is about. Continuing with the heavy travel month that was May, the next trip was to the south of Italy. The travel group ended up being relatively large with a total of 5 Americans (Jeremy, Ben, Samir, Dan, and I)…

Got any book recommendations?