If you don’t already know, I’m spending this semester (Spring 2015) studying abroad in Torino (in the Piemonte region of Northwest Italy). I began college knowing that I wanted to look into studying abroad at some point. It’s too great an opportunity to pass up. I ended up applying for Politecnico di Torino and began classes in early March (the semester is really late compared to American semesters). I’ll be here for just under 6 months studying Automotive Engineering at one of the best technical universities in Europe. On top of that, I’m in Europe! So much to see and so much to do. The first few days in Torino were spent exploring the city and trying to gather my bearings. The following photos document some of the cool things I saw early on in this adventure.
February 20, 2015: Tramlines running parallel to Parco Valentino near my residence.
February 20, 2015: View overlooking the river Po
February 20, 2015: View from the steps of Gran Madre di Dio, a church overlooking the River Po and Piazza Vittorio Veneto
February 20, 2015: Hiking up a nearby hill to Monte Dei Cappuccini, there is an immaculate view of the city. Unfortunately, I went on a slightly hazy day so you can’t see the incredible Alps sitting just behind the city. I’ll be sure to go back on a clearer day so you can see what I’m talking about.
February 20, 2015: Also in Piazza Castello is Palazzo Madama. Beginning as another first century gate into the Roman Empire, it later served as the first senate of the Italian Kingdom.
February 20, 2015: Street performers balance on a tightrope and juggle fire to draw a crowd in historic Piazza Castello.
February 22, 2015: Palazzo Reale di Torino used to be home of the Royal House of Savoy
February 22, 2015: Chiesa di San Lorenzo (Completed 1680) sits just off of Piazza Castello. At one time it was home to the legendary Shroud of Turin.
February 22, 2015: More historic streets in the city with their narrow roads and cobblestone streets.
February 27, 2015: Some of the paintings that hang in the ceilings of the rooms occasionally require restoration and maintenance.
February 22, 2015: More exploration through the city revealed the Palatine Towers. Built in the 1st Century BC, it once served as a gate into the Roman Empire.
February 22, 2015: The entrance chamber to Palazzo Reale which has now been turned into a museum.
February 22, 2015: Palazzo Reale houses several large murals. This one sits in the hall of the swiss guard. Ben (another American studying at Politecnico with me) stands for scale.
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